HPI 0.7" Q32 Soft Foam Tyre Set

Brand: HPI Racing | SKU: 114287
2 in stock


Fits 3 Vehicles

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#114287 - Q32 FOAM TIRE SET F/R (SOFT/26x10/26x14/4pcs)

Replacement Soft Foam Tire Set for Q32.

Also available:
#114262 - Q32 FOAM TIRE SET F/R (FIRM/26x10/26x14/4pcs)
#116121 - Q32 FOAM TIRE SET F/R (ASPHALT/26X10/26X14/4PCS)

Suited Vehicle Type: Buggy
Suited Terrain Type: On-Road
Car Side Inner Diameter (in): 0.7in
Curb Side Inner Diameter (in): 0.7in
Car Side Inner Diameter (mm): 18mm
Curb Side Inner Diameter (mm): 18mm
Outer Diameter (mm): 26mm
Suited Rim Width (mm): 10mm, 14mm
Fitment Method: Press Fit
HPI 0.7" Q32 Soft Foam Tyre Set
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Fits 3 HPI Cars