GPM Black Aluminium TRX-4 Servo Horn w/ Aluminium Linkage

Brand: GPM Racing | SKU: TRX416025-BK
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Fits 23 Vehicles

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GPM Racing - TRAXXAS - TRX4 DEFENDER TRAIL CRAWLER - TRX416025 Aluminum Servo Horn With Steering Link 8pc set
This item is suitable for TRAXXAS TRX4 Defender Trail Crawler and TRAXXAS-1/10 TRX-6 MERCEDES-BENZ-88096-4

Manual number: 8246+8247

This product includes :

Stainless steel round head screws 3*16mm -1pc
Stainless steel round head screws 3*10mm -1pc
Stainless steel round head screws 2.5*10mm -1pc
Stainless steel round head screws 2*5mm -pc
Lock nut 3MM -1pc

Product major function & usage:

Improving the steering performance that uses the straight steering arm design to perform a more sensitive and efficient steering turn counter-clockwise tie rod which allow easy adjustment of the length

This upgrade is a must change part to replace the weak plastic one of the original car

Mid point of both ball ends is 77.5mm

Servo Horn
Spline Tooth Count: 25Tooth
GPM Black Aluminium TRX-4 Servo Horn w/ Aluminium Linkage
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Fits 23 Traxxas Cars