Tamiya Orange-Brown Panel Line Accent Colour Paint 40ml

Brand: Tamiya | SKU: 87209
5 in stock


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Give your military models and figures some added realism with this handy orange-brown accent colour.

Useful for rendering rust on the models such as tanks.

Gives accent on figure’s skin sections.

  • Thinned to just the right consistency, it flows into crevasses on the subject
  • Realistic depiction of rust
  • Add accents to figures
  • The cap has a fine brush for precise application, rendering separate brushes and palettes unnecessary
  • Excess can be simply wiped away using a cotton bud with enamel thinner applied
  • Can be used on lacquer or acrylic base coats

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Orange-Brown Panel Line Accent Colour Paint 40ml 1
Tamiya Orange-Brown Panel Line Accent Colour Paint 40ml
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