Wholesale | ZTW

ZTW Australian RC Wholesaler

Want to become a ZTW stockist? Well, Hobbies Direct is an authorised Australian ZTW RC Wholesaler/distributor, and we’d love to have you on board as a stockist of ZTW products.

Hobbies Direct has a large in-stock range of ZTW products at the click of a button.

ZTW motors and ESCs are engineered using high-quality materials and precision manufacturing techniques to deliver power, efficiency, and durability. Whether it's for high-speed racing cars, agile helicopters, or long-range drones, ZTW motors are designed to meet the diverse needs of RC enthusiasts across different disciplines.

Stocking ZTW will help offer your valued customers affordable, high-quality electronics.

Why stock ZTW Products?

  • Affordable
  • Great quality
  • Very low return rate
  • Perfect upgrade for multiple vehicles

To find out what’s required to become a Hobbies Direct wholesaler click the link here - https://hobbiesdirect.com.au/wholesale-information