GPM Blue Aluminium E-Revo 2.0 Rear Suspension Rocker Arm 2Pcs

Brand: GPM Racing | SKU: ER2027R-B
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GPM Racing - TRAXXAS - E-REVO - ER2027R VXL Aluminum Rear Rocker Arm set 12pc set
This item is suitable for TRAXXAS E-REVO and TRAXXAS E-REVO VXL
Manual number: 5358 P-2

This product includes :

Rocker Arm-2pcs
Stainless Steel Round Head Screw 3x14-4pcs
Lock Nut 3mm-4pcs
Alloy Spacer 3x6x1-2pcs

Product major function & usage:
Stabilize and support rear tie rod and rear damper

1. Made with a quality light weight high tensile strength aluminum 6061 T6 for great protection, unique hollow design showing modern appearance.
2. Multiple positioning holes design to adjust the angle of tie rods.
3. Provided alloy spacer 3x6x1 (2pcs) to be inserted between the rod ends and the push rods, to adjust the lean angle.
GPM Blue Aluminium E-Revo 2.0 Rear Suspension Rocker Arm 2Pcs
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Fits 16 Traxxas Cars