Revell 381 Silk Brown Enamel Paint 14ml

Brand: Revell | SKU: 32381
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The Revell 381 Silk Brown Enamel Paint 14ml is a synthetic resin enamel paint that does not damage the outer surface of plastic models. Many other materials can also be painted with the 14 ml tin preferred by many DIY enthusiasts. All shades - except signal colours - can be mixed together and can be diluted with 'Revell Color Mix'. Thus the paint can be applied not only with brushes, but also with a spray gun. For cleaning use 'Revell Painta Clean' for brushes and 'Revell Airbrush Clean' for the spray gun. It is possible to apply another colour or coat of paint after only 4 - 6 hours. The paint is completely dry after 24 hours.

Paints & Primers
Coat Level (Model): Base Coat, Detail
Paint Transparency: Opaque
Paint Series: Revell Enamel
Paint Type: Enamel
Revell 381 Silk Brown Enamel Paint 14ml
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